Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Google enters broadcasting...the revolution has begun and will be televised

Wow!...oft-mooted but never realised...until now. Google has entered the world of broadcasting by securing an agreement to broadcast live Indian Premier League cricket matches via YouTube.

Evidently Google sees this as an ideal 'proof of concept' with minimal risk. It won't step on any toes in Hollywood or the US networks but it will give them a voracious audience in the far east/sub-continent market, hungry to watch the region's most popular and lucrative sporting property by any means necessary. It is certain to be a success and will no doubt lead to Google looking to do more of the same and, more ominously, further afield...
With ESPN in negotiation to bring live streaming to the Xbox 360, this is clearly being seen as 'the future' approach to content distribution and no doubt leaves traditional broadcasters quaking in their shoes as they see their now 'middleware' networks being cut out of the loop. Attacking middleware has long been Google's strategy and tv appears to be next in their rifle sights.
The Ninja is very happy that he bought an excellent LG BD370 blu-ray player with built in YouTube streaming - it might be the only broadcast device under the HD panel soon!

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