Monday, March 24, 2008

Morgan to enter Electric Car market

Another major car company has announced plans for an electric vehicle and it looks a bit special! Morgan Motor Company, renowned for making modern yet old-fashioned looking cars in a distinctly British style have unveiled their ‘LifeCar’ – a fuel cell powered, lightweight roadster capable of 200 miles on one charge.

They have collaborated with a number of notable companies from a variety of sectors including RiverSimple, Cranfield University, QinetiQ, Oxford University and Linde AG to create this zero emissions machine. The objective of the project is to lower the entry barriers for a vehicle powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.

Perhaps the impetus for electric vehicle adoption will need to come from smaller manufacturers such as Morgan and Tesla and the UK could stand to benefit thanks to its unique Single Vehicle Approval system, small car firms can bypass all the European Union regulations, and that’s why we have so many such firms in this country. This would help smaller firms establish their technologies without having to comply with often unnecessary safety regulations.

Either way, the Morgan looks like a perfect first step in to this market for the luxury car maker and hopefully more will follow…

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