Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Xbox 360 cleans up at E3


The Ninja is a big fan of the Xbox 360 and the recent E3 expo held in the US has seen an incredible number of impending arrivals for Microsoft’s console, both in terms of hardware and software, announced...


Top announcement and demonstration was surely the unveiling of ‘Project Natal’. Natal allows the gamer to control and interact with games using only their body – no Wii-like controller needs to be held or swung about, just your arms and legs! Not only does it pick up your body movements but it can recognise your face, facial expressions, your voice and can even recognise items like drawings. The possibilities are endless for game immersion – sports games would rock, first person shooters would take on a more visceral feel if you had to duck and cover when under fire. Imagine playing something like Far Cry, going feral, running up to a ledge and jumping to get across a ravine in to a group of enemies and then getting stuck in – fantastic! Apparently developer kits are already in the wild so it shouldn't be long before it lands. Imagine a version of Halo that could be controlled this way? WOW!


Beyond this incredible hardware development – a number of prominent game ips were unveiled including Metal Gear Solid Rising – the first MGS game for the 360 (featuring Raiden rather than Solid Snake), Crysis 2 and a new Halo game called Halo Reach. This marks a pretty incredible line-up featuring two of the biggest game franchises ever (Halo and MGS) and the first console version of probably the ultimate pc game (Crysis). The Cyborg Ninja is an obvious fan of the Metal Gear universe and to finally have the series coming to the 360 is mind-blowing!


All in all it was a pretty impressive unveil from the Microsoft stand!!!

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