Monday, November 09, 2009

Speed Racer...visual art?

I have blogged previously (years ago!) about the creativity of the Wachowski Brothers and their storytelling techniques. Their use of various media streams to relay and enhance the storyline has never been bettered, even now, some 6 years after the release of the last two Matrix movies. Of particular note is their visual style - everyone probably remembers the first time they saw 'bullet-time' in the first Matrix movie when Neo dove backwards to miss an approaching bullet - a split-second event slowed down to last about 20 seconds. It was an awesome effect that changed the game and ramped up the technology used in making films. Although I am not an out-and-out fanboy, I did enjoy the Matrix films. However, I consider V for Vendetta to be their best piece of work because it offered a well-rounded story as well as impressive film-making and I am a sucker for films about honour!
The Ninja recently watched Speed Racer - a movie by the W brothers and simply had to blog about the film's incredible visual style. The colour in this movie has to be seen to be believed. Everything is pumped right up to max and the energy on the screen is immense, offering almost 3D clarity to the images on show. The story is pretty simplistic but the footage will sear your eyeballs, it is that powerful. This is definitely a showcase for all that is good about current home theatre technology and would urge anyone who has not seen it in HD yet to do so. The 'car-fu' is brutal and achieves the aimed for 'comic book' feel but it is the depth of image and clarity of shots that will leave you gaping at the is that good!
It is not a stretch to say that this film might qualify as visual art rather than a movie...see it!

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