Monday, July 05, 2010

Project Canvas – a work of art?

It is curious that the next version of the UK’s tv channels on-demand services, currently dubbed Project Canvas, will likely be powered by P2P technology, the supposed bane of all modern content providers.

The new version of services such as 4OD and iPlayer will be called YouView and will see all the main channels in Britain collaborate in an unprecedented move to save costs and promote forward thinking as the networks strive to fend off the threat of internet based viewing services such as YouTube with ones of their own.

It finally seems as if P2P will go mainstream and legitimate with this move and should ensure that users receive a quality service as the increased bandwidth required for this offering will only be possible using this file-sharing technology.

Where previously Napster was lambasted, the future now lies…the more things change, the more they stay the same!

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