Monday, January 17, 2011

More Atrix Goodness

The above video better outlines the concept behind the development of Motorola's new Atrix phone launching later this year. It's a fabulous idea and it seems to have the hardware to make it work and back up its promise of being one device for all things multimedia! Cost will likely be high though but if it replaces a bucketload of your existing kit it will surely be worth a look...

I can see one potential problem though....if we are to become truly reliant on a single device to do all our multimedia and pc work and be our alarm clock, phone, bath time musical accompaniment etc.....what happens if we leave it in our desk at work overnight for example? It would be a bad start to your day to discover you have left your now vitally-important phone synced in its bedside cradle or, worse, lost it!

This video is also pretty neat...

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