Friday, January 06, 2012

Film of The Year 2011

Another year of movie goodness has been and gone and there have been some crackers this year. Once again I shall pick my personal favourite from those I have seen and have two clear favourites.

My choice for film of the year of 2011 was a surprise to me as it was a film that I felt did not appeal to me and I had originally had no intention in seeing but its entertaining plot, always-good-value leading man, a top notch villain, terrific humour, a very attractive and ballsy leading lady and touch of WWII conspiracy/steampunk flavouring saw Captain America run away with the honours. I loved it and the terrific visuals and hefty audio just added to the appeal. Roll on The Avengers in 2012!

The runner-up on this occasion was another film that I thought might be too dry for me but turned out to be a very entertaining watch. Inside Job is a terrific documentary that explains what and who was behind the recent financial collapse and credit crunch and shines a light on the shadowy world of the high-flying executives taking big gambles with ordinary people's money. It will get your blood boiling! One little aside is the two people who had the foresight to see what was happening to the global economy and tried hard to stop the carnage during the course of the film were two people who recently were publicly clobbered by forces unknown - Eliot Spitzer and Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Conspiracy theorists might say there was a reason for this.....

Previous winners:

2011 - Captain America (runner-up - Inside Job)

2010 - Knight and Day (runner up - Inception)

2009 - Star Trek

2008 - Vantage Point (runner up - Eagle Eye)

2007 - Shooter and Bourne Ultimatum

2006 - Deja Vu (runner up - V for Vendetta)

2005 - Transporter 2 (runner up - Stealth)

2004 - Bourne Supremacy (runner up - Man on Fire)

2003 - The Italian Job

2002 - Bourne Identity

2001 - Spy Game

2000 - Mission Impossible 2

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