Tuesday, February 28, 2012

41 megapixel camera in your shirt pocket...

With relatively little fanfare, Nokia (remember them?!) have announced the upcoming launch of the 808 PureView mobile phone, the specs of which are relatively uninspiring compared to some of the top-of-the-line devices on the market already - Symbian-based OS (no Windows?), single 1.3Ghz processor, 4 inch screen, 16gig of memory but....

And it is a big but, maybe even a huge but....but it also comes with a 41 megapixel camera! That is not a typing error! Have a look at some of the sample images below or download the full size 10 meg images from the link below.

This is very impressive stuff and the line between mobile and dslr camera is further blurred. No doubt the grainy mobile phone image is on life-support after the launch of this product...hopefully other manufacturers will now turn their attention to developing similar powerful imaging hardware in to their phones...Android ones ideally!

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