Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Google Glass goes visible...

Google have unveiled the details of their long-rumoured wearable networked glasses technology named Google Glass.

Combining the power of a number of their technologies such as GPS, Google Goggles, Google+, Maps, Search etc. the wearable gear is not as clunky and obvious as many had feared. The thinner design helps address one key barrier to uptake (how they look) but it remains to be seen whether people would use such a thing.

I could see obvious benefits for drivers who would have, in essence, their own personal HUD, overlaying directions, traffic alerts etc. and helping eliminate use of mobile phones. The Bluetooth earpiece has become an accepted piece of wearable technology so why can't this?

The following video from Google's Skunk Works 'X Division' where this and many other cutting-edge developments are underway illustrates how it might look...intriguing if nothing else...

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