Friday, May 21, 2010

Google TV - Official and headed for your A/V rack!

Well the rumours were true and the recently mooted Google TV concept has been unveiled to the public. The device is in essence and intermediary set-top box that merges tv and online feeds in to one device. Complete with a full web browser and likely to have a keyboard built in to the remote, the device hopes to spur Google's entry in to the massive (and I mean huge!) tv advertising market.

The device will run on Android (naturally) and utilise Google's powerful search algorithm work to enhance programme look-ups etc. It will also offer hd video calling and other marketplace features. It will have Chrome as its browser and will offer Flash 10.1 support as well as WiFi and hdmi integration with your home theatre set-up.

The first devices have been unveiled by Sony and Logitech with the Logitech device looking suitably small, sleek and speedy. It can even use your iPhone or Android mobile as a remote.

Many may argue that it is essentially a stripped out media centre device and does not offer anything which a reasonable htpc doesn't right now but one cannot overlook the power of Google and their commitment to Android has shown no signs of abating, making this device a likely necessity for future viewing nirvana thanks to no doubt regular software and feature updates and hopefully a blossoming marketplace of apps that will enhance viewer/user pleasure.

Merging web and tv has been tried before but hopefully this is the one to make it happen....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Augmented Reality...simply awesome...

This commercial for the Motorola Droid nicely sums up how cool the AR apps on Android such as Layar really are...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

YouTube IPL coverage a rousing success…

As if word of Google’s entry in to online television coverage of live events wasn’t enough, especilly when coupled with the development of Google TV set-top boxes, the Big G has announced that their coverage of the Indian Premier League cricket tournament was a resounding success attracting bigger revenues and sponsorship than anticipated.

Despite troubles off the wicket within the IPL, the online pact seems to have been a winner as 50 million people ‘surfed in’ to watch the matches (25% above target) and seven major sponsors got on board too. Revenues were not announced but either way this appears to have been a big success for Google and the IPL.

No doubt traditional broadcasters will have noticed this announcement and many may naively also see little to fear from this development. However, the increasing number of networked devices that are linked to or even integrated in televisions that are capable of carrying YouTube feeds shows that this is not a passing fad limited to those who watch television on their laptops – this is the coming mainstream where a tv subscribers choice is global and non-linear…

Android overtakes iPhone

In a notable development Android has overtaken the iPhone for 2nd place in the US smartphone market...trailing only the Blackberry.

An amazing performance for such relatively new software.

Don't underestimate the power of 'free'!

Friday, May 07, 2010

HP buys Palm...and hints at future direction

The recent purchase of Palm by HP was an unforeseen move by the world's biggest pc maker and one that clearly illustrates that even HP recognises that the future of computing will be conducted on mobile devices - either handhelds, slates or tablets.

Despite a minuscule market share, HP saw fit to grab Palm to help establish itself in the mobile marketplace. With the ongoing surge of Android, the ever-present clout of the iPhone and the coming (and much needed) revision of Windows Phone 7, there will be lots of choice for consumers. The Ninja is a Windows mobile user but has been very impressed with Android and the competition is forcing innovation. Long may it continue...

Either way, it will be fascinating to see what HP do with the WebOS of the Palm devices. WebOS looks awesome and is a solid platform so hopefully HP can build on it. Secretly, I am hoping HP do a VoodooPC edition mobile - now that would be worth buying!

Digital Economy Bill Debate

In light of the currently Election, the Ninja thought it worthwhile highlighting the leaders' responses to the Digital Economy Bill which has been widely derided...and an excellent piece from Mark Thomas...