Friday, May 21, 2010

Google TV - Official and headed for your A/V rack!

Well the rumours were true and the recently mooted Google TV concept has been unveiled to the public. The device is in essence and intermediary set-top box that merges tv and online feeds in to one device. Complete with a full web browser and likely to have a keyboard built in to the remote, the device hopes to spur Google's entry in to the massive (and I mean huge!) tv advertising market.

The device will run on Android (naturally) and utilise Google's powerful search algorithm work to enhance programme look-ups etc. It will also offer hd video calling and other marketplace features. It will have Chrome as its browser and will offer Flash 10.1 support as well as WiFi and hdmi integration with your home theatre set-up.

The first devices have been unveiled by Sony and Logitech with the Logitech device looking suitably small, sleek and speedy. It can even use your iPhone or Android mobile as a remote.

Many may argue that it is essentially a stripped out media centre device and does not offer anything which a reasonable htpc doesn't right now but one cannot overlook the power of Google and their commitment to Android has shown no signs of abating, making this device a likely necessity for future viewing nirvana thanks to no doubt regular software and feature updates and hopefully a blossoming marketplace of apps that will enhance viewer/user pleasure.

Merging web and tv has been tried before but hopefully this is the one to make it happen....

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