Friday, May 07, 2010

HP buys Palm...and hints at future direction

The recent purchase of Palm by HP was an unforeseen move by the world's biggest pc maker and one that clearly illustrates that even HP recognises that the future of computing will be conducted on mobile devices - either handhelds, slates or tablets.

Despite a minuscule market share, HP saw fit to grab Palm to help establish itself in the mobile marketplace. With the ongoing surge of Android, the ever-present clout of the iPhone and the coming (and much needed) revision of Windows Phone 7, there will be lots of choice for consumers. The Ninja is a Windows mobile user but has been very impressed with Android and the competition is forcing innovation. Long may it continue...

Either way, it will be fascinating to see what HP do with the WebOS of the Palm devices. WebOS looks awesome and is a solid platform so hopefully HP can build on it. Secretly, I am hoping HP do a VoodooPC edition mobile - now that would be worth buying!

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